Week 11 - Shinkage Methods

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We will be using the nycflights13 package again today. If the system prompts you to install a package or gives you a “package not found” error, simply run install.packages("packagename") once to install it.

flights1 <- flights %>%
  mutate(delay = factor(arr_delay > 0, c(TRUE, FALSE),
                        c("Delayed", "On time"))) %>%
  filter(month == 1, !is.na(delay)) %>%
  select(delay, hour, minute, dep_delay, carrier, distance, tailnum, origin, dest)

flights_split <- initial_split(flights1)

flights_train <- training(flights_split)
flights_test <- testing(flights_split)


We have already explored this data set quite a bit so we can move on to some modeling. We will be using the logiistic_reg() specification since we are doing binary classification.

lasso_spec <- logistic_reg(mixture = 1, penalty = 0) %>%
  set_mode("classification") %>%

Next, we need to create a recipe for preprocessing. Here we want to include many variables since we will be doing shrinkage to weed out unimportant predictors.

rec_spec <- recipe(delay ~ ., data = flights_train) %>%
  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%
  step_unknown(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%
  step_impute_mean(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
  step_other(all_nominal_predictors(), threshold = 0.001) %>%
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%

We then can combine this into a workflow. Notice that this is another way we could create a workflow.

lasso_wf <- workflow(rec_spec, lasso_spec)

We can now fit the model

fitted_model <- fit(lasso_wf, data = flights_train)

and look at the performance of the model.

fitted_model %>%
  augment(new_data = flights_train) %>%
  conf_mat(truth = delay, estimate = .pred_class)

But above we set penaty to a specific value, which isn’t ideal since we don’t know what the best value would be for our case. So this time when we specify the model, we set penalty = tune() to tell the functions that we want to tune the penalty parameter.

lasso_spec <- logistic_reg(mixture = 1, penalty = tune()) %>%
  set_mode("classification") %>%

and we create a new workflow.

lasso_wf <- workflow(rec_spec, lasso_spec)

To be able to tune hyperparameters with tune_grid() we need 3 things. A model/workflow specification folds to fit our model across, and the parameter values we want to try. We already have the lasso_spec. We create the cross-validation folds with vfold_cv().

flights_folds <- vfold_cv(flights_train)

And the different hyperparameter values with grid_regular().

penalty_grid <- grid_regular(penalty(), levels = 50)

Now we can run the training loop.

lasso_results <- tune_grid(
  resamples = flights_folds, 
  grid = penalty_grid

The results can then be summarized with either collect_metrics()

lasso_results %>%

or autoplot(). The regularization in this model doesn’t affect the performance too much.

lasso_results %>%

The best performing hyperparameter pairs can be shown with show_best(). Notice how they are all the same.

lasso_results %>%

We can pluck out the best hyperparameters

select_best(lasso_results, "roc_auc")

and use them to update our model

lasso_wf_final <- finalize_workflow(
  select_best(lasso_results, "roc_auc")

And now we can fit out final model on the training data set.

lasso_wf_final_fit <- fit(lasso_wf_final, data = flights_train)



Repeat the above procedure, but with a ridge model instead of lasso model. You get a ridge model by setting mixture = 0. Compare the performance of both models on the training data set, pick a model and use that one to evaluate on the testing data set. Explain how you picked your model.