Assignment 10

Exercise 1 (10 points)

This problem involves hyperplanes in two dimensions.

  1. Sketch the hyperplane \(1 + 3X_1 - X_2 = 0\). Indicate the set of points for which \(1 + 3X_1 - X_2 > 0\), as well as the sett of points for which \(1 + 3X_1 - X_2 < 0\).
  2. On the same plot, sketch the hyperplane \(-2 + X_1 + 2 X_2 = 0\). Indicate the set of points for which \(-2 + X_1 + 2 X_2 > 0\), as well as the sett of points for which \(-2 + X_1 + 2 X_2 < 0\).

Exercise 2 (10 points)

We have seen that in \(p = 2\) dimensions, a linear decision boundary takes the form \(\beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1 + \beta_2 X_2 = 0\). We now investigate a non-linear decision boundary.

  1. Sketch the curve

\[(1 + X_1)^2 + (2 - X_2)^2 = 4\]

  1. On your sketch, indicate the set of points for which

\[(1 + X_1)^2 + (2 - X_2)^2 > 4\]

as well as the set of points for which

\[(1 + X_1)^2 + (2 - X_2)^2 \leq 4\]

  1. Suppose that a classifier assigns an observation to the blue class if

\[(1 + X_1)^2 + (2 - X_2)^2 > 4\]

and to the red class otherwise. To what class is the observation \((0, 0)\) classified? \((-1, 1)\)?, \((2, 2)\)?, \((3, 8)\)?

Exercise 3 (10 points)

In this problem, you will use support vector approaches to predict whether a given car gets high or low gas mileage based on the Auto data set from the ISLR package. To the following code to turn the mpg variable to a binary factor that is split by the median value of mpg.

You will need to use the


Auto <- Auto %>%
  mutate(mpg = factor(mpg > median(mpg), 
                      levels = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                      labels = c("High", "Low"))) %>%
  select(-origin, -name)

Use k-fold cross-validation to fit an SVM with a polynomial radial basis kernel (svm_poly()) to select a good value of cost and degree. Report the different errors associated with different values of this parameter. Comment on your results.

Repeat with an SVM with a radial basis kernel (svm_rbf()). This model can be tuned over cost and rbf_sigma which is The cost of predicting a sample within or on the wrong side of the margin and The precision parameter for the radial basis function, respectively. Comment on your results.