Introduce tidymodels and its general philosophy on modeling.
Help you become proficient with the core packages for modeling.
Point you to places to learn more and get help.
Why tidymodels?
There are several other modeling frameworks in R that try to:
create a uniform, cohesive, and unsurprising set of modeling APIs
Examples are caret, mlr3, and others.
caret is more favorable for people who prefer base R/traditional interfaces.
mlr3 is more pythonic and also has many features.
tidymodels would probably be preferable to those who place importance on a tidy R interface, a large number of features, and the idea that the interfaces should enable the “pit of success”.
The tidymodels package
There are a lot of tidymodels packages but about 90% of the work is done by 5 packages. (rsample, recipes, parsnip, tune, and yardstick)
The best way to get started with tidymodels is to use the tidymodels meta-package. It loads the core packages plus some tidyverse packages.
tidymodels_prefer(quiet =FALSE)#> [conflicted] Will prefer dplyr::filter over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer dplyr::select over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer dplyr::slice over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer dplyr::rename over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer dials::neighbors over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer parsnip::fit over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer parsnip::bart over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer parsnip::pls over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer purrr::map over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer recipes::step over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer themis::step_downsample over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer themis::step_upsample over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer tune::tune over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer yardstick::precision over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer yardstick::recall over any other package#> [conflicted] Will prefer yardstick::spec over any other package#> ── Conflicts ──────────────────────────────────────────── tidymodels_prefer() ──