Tidy Text Mining

OCRUG Hackathon 2023


  • 09:30 AM – 10:15 AM: Text Mining

  • 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM: Break

  • 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM: Modeling with Text

What is text mining?

What is text?

What is text?

A series of characters, hopefully trying to convey meaning

If you don’t go to other men’s funerals, they won’t go to yours.


See you soon 🛫🌴🌞

What is text mining?

The process of transforming unstructured text into structured data for easy analysis


I’ll show examples in English

English is not the only language out there #BenderRule

The difficulty of different tasks vary from language to language

langauge != text


  • tidytext
  • quanteda
  • tm

  • NLTK
  • spacy

Most of data science

is counting,

and sometimes dividing

Hadley Wickham

Most of data science

text preprocessing

is counting,

and sometimes dividing

Hadley Wickham Emil Hvitfeldt


  • tokenize
  • modify tokens
  • remove tokens
  • count tokens


Swiss National Science Foundation Data Sets

grants <- read_csv("data/grants.csv.gz", col_types = "cifc")
Rows: 3,824
Columns: 4
$ abstract      <chr> "In organizational research, corruptio…
$ amount        <int> 40380800, 4660000, 9094100, 293136000,…
$ decision_year <fct> 2022, 2012, 2012, 2022, 2012, 2022, 20…
$ grant_number  <chr> "212921", "142948", "141266", "213586"…

Data - decision year

We are only looking at 2 different years: 2022 and 2012

grants |>
  ggplot(aes(decision_year)) +

Data - amount

The money about of the grant is quite varied

grants |>
  ggplot(aes(amount)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 100)

Data - amount

Even once we take the logarithm

grants |>
  ggplot(aes(amount)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 100) +

Data - abstracts

[1] "In organizational research, corruption, the misuse of a position of authority by actors within organizations for private or organizational gain, has attracted a wealth of scholarship (e.g. Ashforth & Anand, 2003; Castro et al., 2020; Greve et al., 2010; Pinto et al., 2008). Since corruption is a type of misconduct which creates vastly nega-tive consequences, understanding how it can be averted and controlled has been an important research focus (e.g. Lange, 2008; Misangyi et al., 2008). This scholarship points to the critical role of anti-corruption regulation. Hereby, regulation can be generally defined as activity that aims at “prevent[ing] the occurrence of certain un-desirable activities” among targeted actors, such as organizations or individuals (Baldwin et al., 2012: 3).Research on organizational anti-corruption regulation has several shortcomings. First, it focuses either on public or on private anti-corruption regulation (e.g. Hough, 2013) thus tending to explore either the regulato-ry activities of public authorities and focusing predominantly on mandatory regulatory pressures or exploring private actors who assume quasi-regulatory roles and use voluntary regulatory tools. There is a lack of under-standing of how public and private anti-corruption regulation interrelate and under which conditions they yield “synergistic effects” in inducing targeted actors to behave in desirable ways (e.g. Aragon-Correa et al., 2020: 353). Second, our understanding of how public and private anti-corruption regulation interrelate in the context of international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) is particularly scarce. INGOs are rule-making bodies in a variety of global sectors, including sports organizations, scientific bodies, religious groups, or medical special-ists (Boli & Thomas, 1999). Although corruption may be wide-spread also among INGOs (Transparency Inter-national, 2012), INGOs have predominantly been conceived as communities that regulate themselves (e.g. Boli & Thomas, 1999) rather than as the target of regulatory pressure that public and private regulators levy against them. To address these gaps, we propose to conduct systematic exploratory research with a focus on Interna-tional Sports Federations (ISF), a field of INGOs where corruption has been a particularly pertinent issue. ISFs serve as revelatory cases for our theory building (Yin, 2014). While they have faced regulatory pressure from public and private regulators, ISF scholarship has predominantly focused on self-regulatory measures (Chap-pelet, 2017; Chatzigianni, 2018; Forster, 2016; Geeraert, 2019; Pieth, 2014). As a consequence, we do not know enough about how the interaction of public and private anti-corruption regulation has influenced the behavior of ISFs.In our analysis of the ISF context, we will draw on the smart regulation approach (e.g. Gunningham et al., 1998). Smart regulation is a normative theory emphasizing that the combination of multiple regulatory in-struments and the coordination of public and private regulatory actors will yield better regulatory outcomes. In view of the smart regulation approach, our project has two purposes: First, we aim to rely on the ‘regulatory design principles’ underlying the smart regulation approach as yardsticks for detailed empirical research in the ISF field. The aim is to inductively develop new descriptive theory on interrelationships between public and private anti-corruption regulation in an INGO context. Second, we will also build new normative theory1: We will build on our empirical findings in order to adapt these design principles to the ISF context and explore how anti-corruption regulation in a field of INGOs where corruption has been a pertinent issue should look like.We contribute to different literature streams including scholarship on organizational corruption, regula-tory scholarship, neo-institutional organization theory, global governance, and international sports federations."

Data - abstracts

grants |>
  mutate(n_characters = nchar(abstract)) |>
  ggplot(aes(n_characters)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 100) +


What is tokenization?

The process of turning raw text into tokens

What are tokens?

a meaningful unit of text, such as a word

Example text

example_text <- grants |>
  arrange(nchar(abstract)) |>
  slice(30) |>

[1] "The bicycle as an example of social construction - Cycling in Eastern Europe: why are we surprised to learn about its history? - Micromobility and state policies - Bicycle for emancipation and as a means of totalitarian control - How does history cycling in Eastern Europe relate to other global phenomena of cycling?"

White spaces tokenization

str_split(example_text, "\\s")[[1]]

"The" "bicycle" "as" "an" "example" "of" "social" "construction" "-" "Cycling" "in" "Eastern" "Europe:" "why" "are" "we" "surprised" "to" "learn" "about" "its" "history?" "-" "Micromobility" "and" "state" "policies" "-" "Bicycle" "for" "emancipation" "and" "as" "a" "means" "of" "totalitarian" "control" "-" "How" "does" "history" "cycling" "in" "Eastern" "Europe" "relate" "to" "other" "global" "phenomena" "of" "cycling?"

{tokenizers} package



"the" "bicycle" "as" "an" "example" "of" "social" "construction" "cycling" "in" "eastern" "europe" "why" "are" "we" "surprised" "to" "learn" "about" "its" "history" "micromobility" "and" "state" "policies" "bicycle" "for" "emancipation" "and" "as" "a" "means" "of" "totalitarian" "control" "how" "does" "history" "cycling" "in" "eastern" "europe" "relate" "to" "other" "global" "phenomena" "of" "cycling"

tokenization considerations

  • Should we turn UPPERCASE letters to lowercase?

  • How should we handle punctuation?

  • What about non-word characters inside words?


  • cleaning text
  • tokenize
  • modify tokens
  • remove tokens
  • count tokens


Very manual process, and will be highly domain-specific

You might have to use 👻Regular Expressions🧛


Some grant have many references:



[1] "In organizational research, corruption, the misuse of a position of authority by actors within organizations for private or organizational gain, has attracted a wealth of scholarship (e.g. Ashforth & Anand, 2003; Castro et al., 2020; Greve et al., 2010; Pinto et al., 2008). Since corruption is a type of misconduct which creates vastly nega-tive consequences, understanding how it can be averted and controlled has been an important research focus (e.g. Lange, 2008; Misangyi et al., 2008). This scholarship points to the critical role of anti-corruption regulation. Hereby, regulation can be generally defined as activity that aims at “prevent[ing] the occurrence of certain un-desirable activities” among targeted actors, such as organizations or individuals (Baldwin et al., 2012: 3).Research on organizational anti-corruption regulation has several shortcomings. First, it focuses either on public or on private anti-corruption regulation (e.g. Hough, 2013) thus tending to explore either the regulato-ry activities of public authorities and focusing predominantly on mandatory regulatory pressures or exploring private actors who assume quasi-regulatory roles and use voluntary regulatory tools. There is a lack of under-standing of how public and private anti-corruption regulation interrelate and under which conditions they yield “synergistic effects” in inducing targeted actors to behave in desirable ways (e.g. Aragon-Correa et al., 2020: 353). Second, our understanding of how public and private anti-corruption regulation interrelate in the context of international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) is particularly scarce. INGOs are rule-making bodies in a variety of global sectors, including sports organizations, scientific bodies, religious groups, or medical special-ists (Boli & Thomas, 1999). Although corruption may be wide-spread also among INGOs (Transparency Inter-national, 2012), INGOs have predominantly been conceived as communities that regulate themselves (e.g. Boli & Thomas, 1999) rather than as the target of regulatory pressure that public and private regulators levy against them. To address these gaps, we propose to conduct systematic exploratory research with a focus on Interna-tional Sports Federations (ISF), a field of INGOs where corruption has been a particularly pertinent issue. ISFs serve as revelatory cases for our theory building (Yin, 2014). While they have faced regulatory pressure from public and private regulators, ISF scholarship has predominantly focused on self-regulatory measures (Chap-pelet, 2017; Chatzigianni, 2018; Forster, 2016; Geeraert, 2019; Pieth, 2014). As a consequence, we do not know enough about how the interaction of public and private anti-corruption regulation has influenced the behavior of ISFs.In our analysis of the ISF context, we will draw on the smart regulation approach (e.g. Gunningham et al., 1998). Smart regulation is a normative theory emphasizing that the combination of multiple regulatory in-struments and the coordination of public and private regulatory actors will yield better regulatory outcomes. In view of the smart regulation approach, our project has two purposes: First, we aim to rely on the ‘regulatory design principles’ underlying the smart regulation approach as yardsticks for detailed empirical research in the ISF field. The aim is to inductively develop new descriptive theory on interrelationships between public and private anti-corruption regulation in an INGO context. Second, we will also build new normative theory1: We will build on our empirical findings in order to adapt these design principles to the ISF context and explore how anti-corruption regulation in a field of INGOs where corruption has been a pertinent issue should look like.We contribute to different literature streams including scholarship on organizational corruption, regula-tory scholarship, neo-institutional organization theory, global governance, and international sports federations."

Cleaning - removing

We can remove them with a regex

grants$abstract[1] |>

Cleaning - removing

[1] "In organizational research, corruption, the misuse of a position of authority by actors within organizations for private or organizational gain, has attracted a wealth of scholarship . Smart regulation is a normative theory emphasizing that the combination of multiple regulatory in-struments and the coordination of public and private regulatory actors will yield better regulatory outcomes. In view of the smart regulation approach, our project has two purposes: First, we aim to rely on the ‘regulatory design principles’ underlying the smart regulation approach as yardsticks for detailed empirical research in the ISF field. The aim is to inductively develop new descriptive theory on interrelationships between public and private anti-corruption regulation in an INGO context. Second, we will also build new normative theory1: We will build on our empirical findings in order to adapt these design principles to the ISF context and explore how anti-corruption regulation in a field of INGOs where corruption has been a pertinent issue should look like.We contribute to different literature streams including scholarship on organizational corruption, regula-tory scholarship, neo-institutional organization theory, global governance, and international sports federations."

Cleaning - replacing

We can also undo abbreviations

abbrs <- c(
  "INGO" = "International non-governmental organizations",
  "ISF" = "Importer Security Filing"

grants$abstract[1] |>
  str_remove_all("\\(.+\\)") |>

Cleaning - replacing

[1] "In organizational research, corruption, the misuse of a position of authority by actors within organizations for private or organizational gain, has attracted a wealth of scholarship . Smart regulation is a normative theory emphasizing that the combination of multiple regulatory in-struments and the coordination of public and private regulatory actors will yield better regulatory outcomes. In view of the smart regulation approach, our project has two purposes: First, we aim to rely on the ‘regulatory design principles’ underlying the smart regulation approach as yardsticks for detailed empirical research in the Importer Security Filing field. The aim is to inductively develop new descriptive theory on interrelationships between public and private anti-corruption regulation in an International non-governmental organizations context. Second, we will also build new normative theory1: We will build on our empirical findings in order to adapt these design principles to the Importer Security Filing context and explore how anti-corruption regulation in a field of International non-governmental organizationss where corruption has been a pertinent issue should look like.We contribute to different literature streams including scholarship on organizational corruption, regula-tory scholarship, neo-institutional organization theory, global governance, and international sports federations."

tokenizing with tidytext

{tidytext} provides many unnest_*() functions to help us to tokenize

grants |>
  unnest_tokens(token, abstract) |>

tokenizing with tidytext

# A tibble: 1,542,649 × 4
   token            amount decision_year grant_number
   <chr>             <int> <fct>         <chr>       
 1 in             40380800 2022          212921      
 2 organizational 40380800 2022          212921      
 3 research       40380800 2022          212921      
 4 corruption     40380800 2022          212921      
 5 the            40380800 2022          212921      
 6 misuse         40380800 2022          212921      
 7 of             40380800 2022          212921      
 8 a              40380800 2022          212921      
 9 position       40380800 2022          212921      
10 of             40380800 2022          212921      
# ℹ 1,542,639 more rows

Modifying Tokens

Modifying Tokens

now that we have created the tokens, we will sometimes want to modify them to better reflect what they are trying to represent

In the end, we want to count the tokens, so the difference between “cow” and “cows” might not matter much


Removing endings to words

Can be simple -> remove ending s

Can be more complicated -> porter stemmer

Tends to be quite fast

Original word Remove S Plural endings Porter stemming
colonies colonie colony coloni
studies studie study studi
surprisingly surprisingly surprisingly surprisingli
distinctive distinctive distinctive distinct
building building building build
animals animal animal anim
significance significance significance signific
beaver beaver beaver beaver

stemming with tidytext

The {snowballC} package can perform the porter stemmer

grants |>
  unnest_tokens(token, abstract) |>
  mutate(token_stem = SnowballC::wordStem(token)) |>
  relocate(token, token_stem)

stemming with tidytext

# A tibble: 1,542,649 × 5
   token          token_stem amount decision_year grant_number
   <chr>          <chr>       <int> <fct>         <chr>       
 1 in             in         4.04e7 2022          212921      
 2 organizational organiz    4.04e7 2022          212921      
 3 research       research   4.04e7 2022          212921      
 4 corruption     corrupt    4.04e7 2022          212921      
 5 the            the        4.04e7 2022          212921      
 6 misuse         misus      4.04e7 2022          212921      
 7 of             of         4.04e7 2022          212921      
 8 a              a          4.04e7 2022          212921      
 9 position       posit      4.04e7 2022          212921      
10 of             of         4.04e7 2022          212921      
# ℹ 1,542,639 more rows

Reducing number of tokens

Stemming always produces fewer unique tokens

grants |>
  unnest_tokens(token, abstract) |>
  mutate(token_stem = SnowballC::wordStem(token)) |>
    n_unique_token = n_distinct(token),
    n_unique_token_stem = n_distinct(token_stem)
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  n_unique_token n_unique_token_stem
           <int>               <int>
1          53774               39964

Reducing number of tokens

We can investigate the most common token_stem

grants |>
  unnest_tokens(token, abstract) |>
  mutate(token_stem = SnowballC::wordStem(token)) |>
  distinct(token, token_stem) |>
  add_count(token_stem) |>
  arrange(desc(n), token_stem) |>
  print(n = 200)

Reducing number of tokens

# A tibble: 53,774 × 3
    token              token_stem     n
    <chr>              <chr>      <int>
  1 generally          gener         25
  2 generated          gener         25
  3 general            gener         25
  4 generative         gener         25
  5 generate           gener         25
  6 generation         gener         25
  7 generates          gener         25
  8 generic            gener         25
  9 generating         gener         25
 10 generalized        gener         25
 11 generalize         gener         25
 12 generalizing       gener         25
 13 generations        gener         25
 14 generous           gener         25
 15 generalization     gener         25
 16 generalizes        gener         25
 17 generalizations    gener         25
 18 generality         gener         25
 19 generalities       gener         25
 20 generator          gener         25
 21 generational       gener         25
 22 generators         gener         25
 23 generously         gener         25
 24 generalism         gener         25
 25 generalizers       gener         25
 26 communities        commun        17
 27 community          commun        17
 28 communicative      commun        17
 29 communicate        commun        17
 30 communication      commun        17
 31 communalism        commun        17
 32 communicated       commun        17
 33 commun             commun        17
 34 communications     commun        17
 35 communicating      commun        17
 36 communal           commun        17
 37 commune            commun        17
 38 communicators      commun        17
 39 communicates       commun        17
 40 communes           commun        17
 41 communicator       commun        17
 42 communism          commun        17
 43 adapt              adapt         16
 44 adaptations        adapt         16
 45 adaptive           adapt         16
 46 adaptation         adapt         16
 47 adapted            adapt         16
 48 adaptively         adapt         16
 49 adaption           adapt         16
 50 adapting           adapt         16
 51 adapter            adapt         16
 52 adapts             adapt         16
 53 adaptability       adapt         16
 54 adaptable          adapt         16
 55 adaptions          adapt         16
 56 adaptative         adapt         16
 57 adaptivity         adapt         16
 58 adapters           adapt         16
 59 activity           activ         15
 60 activities         activ         15
 61 activated          activ         15
 62 activate           activ         15
 63 activating         activ         15
 64 actively           activ         15
 65 active             activ         15
 66 activation         activ         15
 67 activates          activ         15
 68 activator          activ         15
 69 activism           activ         15
 70 activators         activ         15
 71 activeness         activ         15
 72 activ              activ         15
 73 activations        activ         15
 74 initial            initi         15
 75 initiation         initi         15
 76 initiating         initi         15
 77 initiatives        initi         15
 78 initiative         initi         15
 79 initiated          initi         15
 80 initially          initi         15
 81 initiates          initi         15
 82 initiate           initi         15
 83 initiator          initi         15
 84 initialization     initi         15
 85 initialized        initi         15
 86 initials           initi         15
 87 initiators         initi         15
 88 initialize         initi         15
 89 integrate          integr        15
 90 integrating        integr        15
 91 integral           integr        15
 92 integration        integr        15
 93 integrated         integr        15
 94 integrative        integr        15
 95 integrity          integr        15
 96 integrable         integr        15
 97 integrators        integr        15
 98 integrates         integr        15
 99 integrations       integr        15
100 integrator         integr        15
101 integrals          integr        15
102 integrally         integr        15
103 integrability      integr        15
104 organizations      organ         15
105 organization       organ         15
106 organized          organ         15
107 organism           organ         15
108 organ              organ         15
109 organic            organ         15
110 organizing         organ         15
111 organize           organ         15
112 organisms          organ         15
113 organs             organ         15
114 organizes          organ         15
115 organically        organ         15
116 organizer          organ         15
117 organics           organ         15
118 organizers         organ         15
119 function           function      14
120 functional         function      14
121 functions          function      14
122 functionally       function      14
123 functioning        function      14
124 functionality      function      14
125 functionals        function      14
126 functionalities    function      14
127 functionalized     function      14
128 functionalization  function      14
129 functionalizations function      14
130 functionalize      function      14
131 functioned         function      14
132 functionalism      function      14
133 informed           inform        14
134 inform             inform        14
135 information        inform        14
136 informative        inform        14
137 informal           inform        14
138 informational      inform        14
139 informs            inform        14
140 informing          inform        14
141 informalization    inform        14
142 informations       inform        14
143 informalized       inform        14
144 informant          inform        14
145 informants         inform        14
146 informally         inform        14
147 operative          oper          14
148 operational        oper          14
149 operation          oper          14
150 operating          oper          14
151 operate            oper          14
152 operates           oper          14
153 operations         oper          14
154 operated           oper          14
155 operatively        oper          14
156 operator           oper          14
157 operators          oper          14
158 operable           oper          14
159 operant            oper          14
160 operability        oper          14
161 conformational     conform       13
162 conformation       conform       13
163 conformations      conform       13
164 conformality       conform       13
165 conformal          conform       13
166 conforming         conform       13
167 conformers         conform       13
168 conform            conform       13
169 conforms           conform       13
170 conformally        conform       13
171 conformance        conform       13
172 conformity         conform       13
173 conformer          conform       13
174 continue           continu       13
175 continuous         continu       13
176 continuation       continu       13
177 continues          continu       13
178 continuing         continu       13
179 continuously       continu       13
180 continued          continu       13
181 continual          continu       13
182 continuities       continu       13
183 continuity         continu       13
184 continually        continu       13
185 continuations      continu       13
186 continuatively     continu       13
187 cooperation        cooper        13
188 cooperate          cooper        13
189 cooperative        cooper        13
190 cooperating        cooper        13
191 cooperators        cooper        13
192 cooperativity      cooper        13
193 cooperations       cooper        13
194 cooperativities    cooper        13
195 cooper             cooper        13
196 cooperatives       cooper        13
197 cooperates         cooper        13
198 coopers            cooper        13
199 cooperatively      cooper        13
200 international      intern        13
# ℹ 53,574 more rows

Filtering Tokens

Counting Tokens

Now that we have the tokens in the state we want, we might want to count them

grants |>
  unnest_tokens(token, abstract) |>
  count(token, sort = TRUE) |>
  print(n = 50)

Counting Tokens

# A tibble: 53,774 × 2
   token         n
   <chr>     <int>
 1 the       92058
 2 of        68818
 3 and       59441
 4 to        40648
 5 in        38999
 6 a         25578
 7 will      15433
 8 is        15158
 9 for       14918
10 on        12392
11 with      11310
12 as        11001
13 this      10779
14 that      10680
15 be        10355
16 by         9211
17 are        8841
18 we         8825
19 from       5920
20 project    5660
21 at         5479
22 an         5449
23 research   5112
24 which      4935
25 these      4859
26 or         4836
27 have       4477
28 their      4079
29 it         3815
30 has        3654
31 our        3622
32 can        3304
33 new        3242
34 such       3233
35 study      3108
36 data       2950
37 between    2829
38 also       2821
39 based      2770
40 how        2758
41 been       2646
42 well       2505
43 different  2499
44 i          2483
45 not        2451
46 cell       2397
47 high       2281
48 two        2281
49 cells      2277
50 using      2206
# ℹ 53,724 more rows

Stop words

These words are not super interesting, so while we can count them, they don’t tell us much

These types of words are called stop words

I have a great talk all about stopwords here

Stop words

I define stop words as

Low information words that contribute little value to the task at hand

Stop words lists

  • Galago (forumstop)
  • EBSCOhost
  • CoreNLP (Hardcoded)
  • Ranks NL (Google)
  • Lucene, Solr, Elastisearch
  • MySQL (InnoDB)
  • Ovid (Medical information services)
  • Bow (libbow, rainbow, arrow, crossbow)
  • LingPipe
  • Vowpal Wabbit (doc2lda)
  • Text Analytics 101
  • LexisNexis®
  • Okapi (gsl.cacm)
  • TextFixer
  • DKPro

Stop words lists

  • Postgres
  • CoreNLP (Acronym)
  • NLTK
  • Spark ML lib
  • MongoDB
  • Quanteda
  • Ranks NL (Default)
  • Snowball (Original)
  • Xapian
  • 99webTools
  • Reuters Web of Science™
  • Function Words (Cook 1988)
  • Okapi (gsl.sample)
  • Snowball (Expanded)
  • Galago (stopStructure)
  • DataScienceDojo

Stop words lists

  • CoreNLP (stopwords.txt)
  • OkapiFramework
  • ATIRE (NCBI Medline)
  • scikit-learn
  • Glasgow IR
  • Function Words (Gilner, Morales 2005)
  • Gensim
  • Okapi (Expanded gsl.cacm)
  • spaCy
  • C99 and TextTiling
  • Galago (inquery)
  • Indri
  • Onix, Lextek
  • GATE (Keyphrase Extraction)

He got candy. He shouldn’t have, but he did

snowball (175)

"he" "got" "candy" "he" "shouldn't" "have" "but" "he" "did"

SMART (571)

"he" "got" "candy" "he" "shouldn't" "have" "but" "he" "did"

NLTK (179)

"he" "got" "candy" "he" "shouldn't" "have" "but" "he" "did"

He got candy. He shouldn’t have, but he did

ISO (1298)

"he" "got" "candy" "he" "shouldn't" "have" "but" "he" "did"

CoreNLP (29)

"he" "got" "candy" "he" "shouldn't" "have" "but" "he" "did"

Galago (15)

"he" "got" "candy" "he" "shouldn't" "have" "but" "he" "did"

Funky stop words

she's doesn’t appear in the SMART list, but he's does

fify was left undetected for 3 years (2012 to 2015) in scikit-learn

substantially, successfully, and sufficiently appears in the ISO list

Removing stop words with tidytext

Now that we have the tokens in the state we want, we might want to count them

grants |>
  unnest_tokens(token, abstract) |>
  count(token, sort = TRUE) |>
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("token" = "word"))

Removing stop words with tidytext

# A tibble: 53,142 × 2
   token           n
   <chr>       <int>
 1 project      5660
 2 research     5112
 3 study        3108
 4 data         2950
 5 based        2770
 6 cell         2397
 7 cells        2277
 8 1            2083
 9 studies      2007
10 development  1992
# ℹ 53,132 more rows

Counting Tokens

What to count

We can look at the words that are most different between the two years

tokens_count_year <- grants |>
  unnest_tokens(token, abstract) |>
  count(token, decision_year, sort = TRUE) |>
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("token" = "word"))

tokens_count_year |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = decision_year, values_from = n) |>
  arrange(desc(abs(`2012` - `2022`))) |>
  print(n = 100)

What to count

# A tibble: 53,142 × 3
    token         `2012` `2022`
    <chr>          <int>  <int>
  1 project         3344   2316
  2 study           1933   1175
  3 cells           1487    790
  4 research        2872   2240
  5 analysis        1121    622
  6 cell            1414    983
  7 model           1085    668
  8 development     1192    800
  9 studies         1196    811
 10 1               1226    857
 11 information      841    485
 12 role             992    651
 13 processes        918    582
 14 investigate      758    422
 15 properties       775    445
 16 proposed         832    504
 17 function         724    397
 18 system           997    683
 19 understanding   1146    839
 20 effects          811    511
 21 proposal         645    345
 22 experiments      611    314
 23 soil             416    120
 24 structure        636    351
 25 based           1527   1243
 26 expression       531    248
 27 data            1611   1339
 28 propose          606    336
 29 mechanisms       829    562
 30 activity         608    341
 31 field            912    650
 32 proteins         521    261
 33 results          962    703
 34 systems          905    647
 35 specific        1071    815
 36 time            1033    780
 37 techniques       529    281
 38 mice             386    141
 39 pandemic           1    245
 40 experimental     551    318
 41 level            662    434
 42 phase            464    239
 43 functional       566    345
 44 major            555    334
 45 surface          442    222
 46 learning         222    440
 47 growth           437    219
 48 public           234    451
 49 3                804    589
 50 involved         410    199
 51 low              503    294
 52 protein          534    326
 53 formation        455    253
 54 phd              309    107
 55 process          630    433
 56 performance      411    218
 57 approach         817    625
 58 organic          281     91
 59 2               1009    820
 60 control          717    529
 61 test             518    335
 62 recently         442    259
 63 determine        435    255
 64 transport        336    156
 65 effect           444    267
 66 mechanism        320    145
 67 obtained         271     96
 68 addition         409    235
 69 2011             216     42
 70 imaging          449    276
 71 gene             386    213
 72 structures       415    246
 73 processing       326    157
 74 genes            308    139
 75 2012             211     42
 76 theoretical      421    253
 77 magnetic         338    170
 78 genetic          407    240
 79 19                16    181
 80 dna              373    210
 81 conditions       564    402
 82 mass             304    142
 83 temperature      322    161
 84 developed        579    421
 85 water            411    253
 86 measurements     300    142
 87 projects         325    168
 88 investigated     261    104
 89 2022               3    160
 90 behavior         341    185
 91 plan             364    209
 92 molecular        753    599
 93 cancer           467    313
 94 structural       373    219
 95 i.e              409    256
 96 laboratory       341    188
 97 quantum          293    445
 98 induced          363    212
 99 influence        354    203
100 2020               4    155
# ℹ 53,042 more rows



tokenize_ngrams(example_text, n = 2, n_min = 2)[[1]]

"the bicycle"   "bicycle as"   "as an"   "an example"   "example of"   "of social"   "social construction"   "construction cycling"   "cycling in"   "in eastern"   "eastern europe"   "europe why"   "why are"   "are we"   "we surprised"   "surprised to"   "to learn"   "learn about"   "about its"   "its history"   "history micromobility"   "micromobility and"   "and state"   "state policies"   "policies bicycle"   "bicycle for"   "for emancipation"   "emancipation and"   "and as"   "as a"   "a means"   "means of"   "of totalitarian"   "totalitarian control"   "control how"   "how does"   "does history"   "history cycling"   "cycling in"   "in eastern"   "eastern europe"   "europe relate"   "relate to"   "to other"   "other global"   "global phenomena"   "phenomena of"   "of cycling"

Counting n-grams

using unnest_ngrams() allows us to get n-grams

grants |>
  unnest_ngrams(token, abstract, n = 2, n_min = 2) |>
  count(token, sort = TRUE)

Counting n-grams

# A tibble: 571,661 × 2
   token       n
   <chr>   <int>
 1 of the  14457
 2 in the   8265
 3 will be  5286
 4 on the   3983
 5 to the   3925
 6 and the  3584
 7 we will  2977
 8 for the  2907
 9 at the   1986
10 of a     1953
# ℹ 571,651 more rows

Counting n-grams

We can remove stop words again

bigrams <- grants |>
  unnest_ngrams(token, abstract, n = 2, n_min = 2) |>
  count(token, sort = TRUE) |>
  separate(token, c("n1", "n2"), remove = FALSE) |>
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("n1" = "word")) |>
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("n2" = "word"))


Counting n-grams

# A tibble: 254,139 × 4
   token                n1        n2             n
   <chr>                <chr>     <chr>      <int>
 1 research project     research  project      482
 2 project aims         project   aims         351
 3 proposed project     proposed  project      282
 4 proposed research    proposed  research     270
 5 climate change       climate   change       265
 6 gene expression      gene      expression   219
 7 covid 19             covid     19           168
 8 molecular mechanisms molecular mechanisms   161
 9 machine learning     machine   learning     144
10 specific aims        specific  aims         141
# ℹ 254,129 more rows

Graph n-gram

Using {igraph} we can turn the data into a graph


bigram_graph <- bigrams |>
  filter(n > 50) |>
  select(n1, n2, n) |>


Graph n-gram

IGRAPH 5d1f37a DN-- 148 107 -- 
+ attr: name (v/c), n (e/n)
+ edges from 5d1f37a (vertex names):
 [1] research  ->project    project   ->aims      
 [3] proposed  ->project    proposed  ->research  
 [5] climate   ->change     gene      ->expression
 [7] covid     ->19         molecular ->mechanisms
 [9] machine   ->learning   specific  ->aims      
[11] wide      ->range      real      ->time      
[13] shed      ->light      single    ->cell      
[15] mechanisms->underlying public    ->health    
+ ... omitted several edges

Plotting n-gram graph

Using {ggraph} we can look at the connections of paired words


ggraph(bigram_graph, layout = "fr") +
  geom_edge_link() +
  geom_node_point() +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), vjust = 1, hjust = 1) +

Plotting n-gram graph

Text Mining with R


Wonderful book by Julia Silge and David Robinson