# install.packages("pak")
# pak::pak("tidymodels", "embed", "vetiver", "pins", "smdocker")
AWS, S3 Pins Input, SageMaker Endpoint
This page was last generated on 2024-03-13. If you find the code out of date please file an issue.
All changes from the standard pipeline are highlighted with a cranberry line to the right.
Loading packages
We are using the tidymodels package to do the modeling, embed for target encoding, pins for versioning, vetiver for version and deployment, and smdocker for deploying to SageMaker.
Loading data from Amazon S3 with pins
We will fetch data from and version the final model on Posit Connect using the pins package.
For the smoothest experience, we recommend that you authenticate using environment variables. The two variables you will need are AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
Depending on your S3 setup, you will need to use additional variables to connect. Please see https://github.com/paws-r/paws/blob/main/docs/credentials.md and this pins issue for help if the following paragraphs doesn’t work for you.
The function usethis::edit_r_environ() can be very handy to open .Renviron
file to specify your environment variables.
You can find both of these keys in the same location.
- Open the AWS Console
- Click on your username near the top right and select
Security Credentials
- Click on
in the sidebar - Click on your username
- Click on the
Security Credentials
tab - Click
Create Access Key
- Click
Show User Security Credentials
Once you have those two, you can add them to your .Renviron
file in the following format:
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Note that you don’t want to put quotes around the values.
Loading Data
We are using the smaller laxflights2022
data set described on the data preparation page. The data set has been uploaded to pins, as described on the data pins page. This is meant to simulate this workflow where we stay inside Connect as much as possible.
<- board_s3(
board "tidymodels-pipeline-example",
region = "us-west-1"
<- board |>
flights pin_read("laxflights2022_lite")
Rows: 3,757
Columns: 8
$ arr_delay <dbl> 4, -15, -12, 38, -9, -17, 5, 12, -40, 6, -7, 28, 25, -9, 180…
$ dep_delay <dbl> 9, -8, 0, -7, 3, 6, 29, -1, 2, 7, 6, 13, 34, -2, 191, 52, 9,…
$ carrier <chr> "UA", "OO", "AA", "UA", "OO", "OO", "UA", "AA", "DL", "DL", …
$ tailnum <chr> "N37502", "N198SY", "N410AN", "N77261", "N402SY", "N509SY", …
$ origin <chr> "LAX", "LAX", "LAX", "LAX", "LAX", "LAX", "LAX", "LAX", "LAX…
$ dest <chr> "KOA", "EUG", "HNL", "DEN", "FAT", "SFO", "MCO", "MIA", "OGG…
$ distance <dbl> 2504, 748, 2556, 862, 209, 337, 2218, 2342, 2486, 862, 156, …
$ time <dttm> 2022-01-01 13:15:00, 2022-01-01 14:00:00, 2022-01-01 14:45:…
As a reminder, the modeling task we are trying to accomplish is the following:
Given all the information we have, from the moment the plane leaves for departure. Can we predict the arrival delay
Our outcome is arr_delay
and the remaining variables are predictors. We will be fitting an xgboost model as a regression model.
Splitting Data
Since the data set is already in chronological order, we can create a time split of the data using initial_time_split()
, this will put the first 75% of the data into the training data set, and the remaining 25% into the testing data set.
<- initial_time_split(flights, prop = 3/4)
flights_split <- training(flights_split) flights_training
Since we are doing hyperparameter tuning, we will also be creating a cross-validation split
<- vfold_cv(flights_training) flights_folds
Feature Engineering
We need to do a couple of things to make this data set work for our model. The datetime variable time
needs to be transformed, as does the categorical variables carrier
, tailnum
, origin
and dest
From the time
variable, the month and day of the week are extracted as categorical variables, then the day of year and time of day are extracted as numerics. The origin
and dest
variables will be turned into dummy variables, and carrier
, tailnum
, time_month
, and time_dow
will be converted to numerics with likelihood encoding.
<- recipe(arr_delay ~ ., data = flights_training) %>%
flights_rec step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%
step_other(origin, dest, threshold = 0.025) %>%
step_dummy(origin, dest) %>%
features = c("month", "dow", "doy"),
label = TRUE,
keep_original_cols = TRUE) %>%
step_time(time, features = "decimal_day", keep_original_cols = FALSE) %>%
step_lencode_mixed(all_nominal_predictors(), outcome = vars(arr_delay)) %>%
Specifying Models
We will be fitting a boosted tree model in the form of a xgboost model.
xgb_spec boost_tree(
trees = tune(),
min_n = tune(),
mtry = tune(),
learn_rate = 0.01
) set_engine("xgboost") %>%
<- workflow(flights_rec, xgb_spec) xgb_wf
Hyperparameter Tuning
<- tune_grid(
xgb_wf,resamples = flights_folds,
grid = 10
i Creating pre-processing data to finalize unknown parameter: mtry
We can visualize the performance of the different hyperparameter selections
and look at the top result
show_best(xgb_rs, metric = "rmse")
# A tibble: 5 × 9
mtry trees min_n .metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
<int> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr>
1 3 1988 4 rmse standard 28.1 10 5.88 Preprocessor1_Model01
2 8 849 13 rmse standard 29.6 10 6.44 Preprocessor1_Model04
3 3 1543 9 rmse standard 29.6 10 6.11 Preprocessor1_Model02
4 10 1139 14 rmse standard 30.0 10 6.44 Preprocessor1_Model05
5 12 554 18 rmse standard 30.6 10 6.77 Preprocessor1_Model06
Fitting Final Model
Once we are satisfied with the modeling that has been done, we can fit our final model. We use finalize_workflow()
to use the best hyperparameters, and last_fit()
to fit the model to the training data set and evaluate it on the testing data set.
<- xgb_wf %>%
xgb_last finalize_workflow(select_best(xgb_rs, metric = "rmse")) %>%
Creating vetiver model
<- xgb_last %>%
v extract_workflow() %>%
── flights_xgb ─ <bundled_workflow> model for deployment
A xgboost regression modeling workflow using 7 features
Version model with pins on Amazon SageMaker
We will version this model on Amazon S3 using the pins package.
For the smoothest experience, we recommend that you authenticate using environment variables. The two variables you will need are AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
Depending on your S3 setup, you will need to use additional variables to connect. Please see https://github.com/paws-r/paws/blob/main/docs/credentials.md and this pins issue for help if the following paragraphs doesn’t work for you.
The function usethis::edit_r_environ() can be very handy to open .Renviron
file to specify your environment variables.
You can find both of these keys in the same location.
- Open the AWS Console
- Click on your username near the top right and select
Security Credentials
- Click on
in the sidebar - Click on your username
- Click on the
Security Credentials
tab - Click
Create Access Key
- Click
Show User Security Credentials
Once you have those two, you can add them to your .Renviron
file in the following format:
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Note that you don’t want to put quotes around the values.
with the board
we specified to read in the data, we can use it to write our model to it. But you are not required to keep them at the same pin.
vetiver_pin_write(board, v)
Since we are using vetiver_deploy_sagemaker()
which uses the {smdocker} package, we need to make sure that we have the right authetication and settings.
If you are working locally, you will likely need to explicitly set up your execution role to work correctly. Check out Execution role requirements in the smdocker documentation, and especially note that the bucket containing your vetiver model needs to be added as a resource in your IAM role policy.
Once we are properly set up, we can use vetiver_deploy_sagemaker()
, it takes a board
, the name of endpoint and the instance_type
Look at the Amazon SageMaker pricing to help you decide what you need. Depending on your model, it will take a little while to run as it installs what it needs.
<- vetiver_deploy_sagemaker(
new_endpoint board = board,
name = "flights_xgb",
instance_type = "ml.t2.medium"
Make predictions from Connect endpoint
With the endpoint we can pass in some data set to predict with.
flights_training )
# A tibble: 2,817 × 1
1 -1.79
2 -13.3
3 -17.3
4 -3.67
5 82.8
6 52.2
7 10.7
8 8.04
9 58.1
10 5.39
# ℹ 2,807 more rows