The goal of tidygutenbergr is to provide simple cleaning functions for popular works collected from
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#> Determining mirror for Project Gutenberg from
#> Using mirror
#> # A tibble: 9,194 x 2
#> text chapter
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 "CHAPTER I" 1
#> 2 "" 1
#> 3 "_The Prophecies of Merlin, and the Birth of Arthur_" 1
#> 4 "" 1
#> 5 "" 1
#> 6 "King Vortigern the usurper sat upon his throne in London, when, sud… 1
#> 7 "upon a certain day, ran in a breathless messenger, and cried aloud-… 1
#> 8 "" 1
#> 9 "\"Arise, Lord King, for the enemy is come; even Ambrosius and Uther… 1
#> 10 "whose throne thou sittest--and full twenty thousand with them--and … 1
#> # … with 9,184 more rows
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