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Why should I use iFrames?

In Quarto Presentations one way to add something extra is to use Slide Backgrounds

Images and videos are good for some added flair, and they automatically fill the background

Using html elements and javascript to make an animated background, is almost impossible to get right inside your .qmd file, but super easy with iFrame Backgrounds

How to use iFrame Backgrounds

  1. Add a folder next to your .qmd file
  2. In that folder add the following files
    • index.html
    • script.js (optional)
    • style.css (optional)
  3. Use the following notation to use (title can be empty)

# title {background-iframe=“my-iframe/index.html”}

  1. Set preload-iframes: true in yaml

Folder Structures

This is my preferred setup for a quarto presentation.

Naming the main file index.qmd gives you index.html as your output which is a good default for publishing

├── index.qmd
├── index.html
├── style.scss (only styles index.qmd)
└── my-iframe/
    ├── index.html
    ├── script.js
    └── style.css (only styles iframe)

How to make your own

From codepen.io

  • find one you like
  • click export -> export .zip
  • Copy over the results from the dist folder
  • trim and modify content to your liking
  • Add a README file with references
  • Copy over license


particles.js is a great library that works perfectly as iFrames, and have amazing customization

Rotating Earth

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Hello Matrix

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Glittering Sea

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Moving Waves

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Grid Worms

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Multiple Floating Images

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Polygon Mask

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Colored Particles

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Logo Fall

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Center of the Universe

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css fireworks

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flow field

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Download template :::

Night Sky

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Snowy Landscape

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Space Scroller

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Beach Crusin

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